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Advanced Diploma Course

The Major Prophets

The Old Testament is mainly comprised of the law and the prophets. Besides prophets that God used to commune with His people ever since Israel became a nation, there is a grouping of books in the Old testament referred to as main prophets. Therefore, the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel cannot but catch the attention of everyone who wants to delve into the heart of God.  Ephesians 2:20 says “… are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone…” A thorough understanding of the will of God expressed through the prophecy constitutes a firm foundation for any one’s spiritual life. 

2 Peter 1:20-21 echoes that the prophecy did not come by the will of man but, “…holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

Through the study of Major Prophets, the students will have the confidence of their Salvation: which was prophesied in the Old Testament and got fulfilled in the New Testament. As the understanding of the Gospel will be unfolding itself unto them, a deeper and contextual meaning of the word of God will be conceptualized. This will result into assurance of faith and the strength that every single member of the body of Jesus Christ needs.

Epistles of Paul

A person who makes a piano would not be able to make a great piano if he doesn’t think of various different factors simultaneously. When making a car, not only speed is to be faster, but also braking power, horsepower, body itself and many other factors should be thoroughly taken into consideration. Likewise, we will find out about the background of related churches, the period, and the characters that are stated in the Epistles of Apostle Paul.  Paul held a great reputation as a rabbi (one must be taught by a popular and acknowledged master to become a rabbi) and a Pharisee teacher of the law, a person with highly rational way of thinking.

As we study these Epistles, we are able to grasp the heart of the Apostle in regards to the Gospel and Spiritual life of the saints in the church. We get to know how to plant churches and do Ministry according to the Bible. How do we solve problems that are ever arising in the church and individual spiritual lives of the saints? 

Certainly, it is through interacting with Paul in his epistles. At the end of the class, the participants would have undoubtedly gotten knowledge, perfected, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Repentance and Faith

Repentance is the foundation of true spiritual life. However, today many people cannot become free from sin and live a life of struggling with sin. This is because they never came to the true repentance in spiritual life. True repentance is to turn away from myself and believe in Jesus. This is only possible when people come to accurately discover their true Image according to the word of the Bible, deny themselves, and throw away all their thoughts. From then on, they are able to accept the word of Jesus the way it is in their heart and Jesus amazingly comes upon their heart and changes their inner self. 

When we learn the accurate repentance that the Bible is talking of, our heart can't help but change from Sinner to Holy, righteous, and perfect. We will also live the true spiritual life relying and believing only on the works of Jesus.