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Speaking Contrary

MARK 5:35- 43

When I was starting a Church in the countryside there was one Hospital, It had 12 wards, and I went there every day to witness.I would take the good news mission newspaper and put it in every ward.After ten minutes people would read this papers so on average there were five people per ward and that is how I meet these people and preached the word of God to them.The following day I also went and witnessed.

The weather in south Korea is alwys good to go witnessing, be it summer time when I preach under the shade or winter in well heated room.I witnesse like this for one year. Later I thought of having service and where to hold it. At the outpatient section around 15 people could sit.On Sunday at around 7pm I visited the wards and told them that at 8am we would have a service at the waiting bay.An average of 15 people gathered for the fisrt service contrary to my church where only 5 members would gater for the service.

So we started the by holding the Sunday service at the hospital and later go to church and for the second service and later in the evening return to the hospital.

My afternoons were spent laziliy driving around and later in the evening I would condusct a service bringing all the services I held in one sunday to four.

Four years we held services like this until the village pastors begun to riot.They approached the chairman of the hospital and complained against us for holding the sunday service in the hospital premises. It came to pass that the chairman of the hospital never even knew that we were having service at the hospital since I never formaly asked the hospital administration.

The chairman then called me and asked "Why are you people conductiong your church service here without my permission?" I then asked him, "Is it wrong to have service here even when a member of my family is admited at the hospital?" The chairman insisted that I never conduct service in the premises.

Nevertheless, I continued to hold service there,but the following week the hospital administration decided to close the entrance to the waitinhg bay. So when I clossly looked it was a door I could easily open - just to mention, I was a theif before and so the lock was very easy for me to open - so I opened up the lock and had the service there.

The chairman got so crazy that we still had service there.The hospital changed the toatal interior and lock and gate that we could not accsess it.Theefore we could not have service there anylonger."Then what should we do?" I said to myself. I took my truck and packed it at the ambulance parking lot.Then, when it got cold I turned on the heating system and when it got hot I turned on the A.C. that I how I ended up conducting the service there for 3 years and no body complained.

A lot of people heard the gospel but amazingly they could not join the church.For six years I did ministry only six people received salvation an average of one person per year.

Majority of church members came from the patients I preached to at the hospital.

One day I was distributing newspapers and I meet this one woman.

"Do yu go to church?" I asked her. "Yes I do." She replied. "Where do you live?" I continued.

She was the genetor from the hospital.Her house was about 4 kilometers from the hospital and so she would walked to work every day. After realizing this, I decided to park my car and waited in front of the house at 5am for she had to be at work 6:30am.

"Good morning lady, can I give you a ride to the hospital? I'm headed that way."

So she came and entered the car. She was about 60 years of age. The next day I also helped her, and the next day and the next one. One morning she came with "Gimbap" and when we arrived at the hospital we ate Gimbap together.

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Gimbap (김밥) is a Korean dish made from cooked rice and other ingredients that are rolled in “gim”— dried sheets of laver seaweed—and served in bite-size slices. The dish is often part of a packed meal.

We made a promise that after arriving at the hospital we would have bible study for 30 minutes. I never asked her to come to my church, we only had bible study for one year and 6 months. She received salvation and started coming to church. Also, I never told her to come to church I only gave her the bible study. As long as we are preaching the gospel this makes us happy, When you think of guiding one person you get so happy.

Video clip…mental disorder

In this Movie called "A Beautiful Mind" disorder where other people cant see but jack was able to see three people.One day he recebed help from his wife and he discovered I have a disorder and after realing this, he started to deny what he saw with his eyes.he actually realized his mental disorder .but as he was walking with his friend he asked him “ hey do you still the? He said yes I still see them The friend said you are expecting them to disaaapper but they can never disappear fro me. All I have to do is to ignore them. HE went through a lot of suffering for a long time.he hoped that he would not see them anymore but the images could not dissapaer.Know I have to live ignorog them.From that time he lved ignoring himself. Ther is one friend I know very well from church.he too had this disorder and he came to church one day.the sisier requested me to visit there home since the brother was not coming to church.When the pastor entred the house the man started to curse at the pastor.The pastor could not preach so he left.One day the younger sibling visited the brother.Then the sibling told the brother..sshhh, can you hear ..there is somebody.They have installed cct cameras and everytime I bath they are watching.You can hera the sound of cctv cameras.the sibling discovered that the brother had a mental problem and took him to hospital. At the hospital the brother caused a lot of trouble.I am not mentally ill, why am ai here.The sisier one day came to church and testified that her husband was hospitalized.But one dae day I heard pastor park say we sing a new song.MY Husband will be the chairman of brothers.She went to pastor and said my husband s future is bright and he will be chairman.now he is hospitailised but he will be great.This way she asked pastor to visit the hospital.she says her husband will be an elder in the church.Pastor says he never wanted to go because the last time he went he only heard words of curses.But because it was the sisiters request he went. Pastor went and meet the brother at hospital.then the brother said to the wife …hey did you hearthat What Didn’t you hear the sound of cct cameras… Hey you punk, what are you talking about..nobody is watching you come back to your mind.. They fought in the hospital and made a big mess.Now the pastor couldnot speak he was only waiting.the pastor said..shh….sister can you go outside a little bit Then the sister left… Then pastor said….sh….. Brother I can hear the sound of cctv… Yes pastor even you can hear it… Yes I can hear it in my hears…. This brother was so happy for the first time he meet a person who had the same mind.The brother opened up his heart wide and pastor spoke I can hear the sound but you must listen to me.the sound is only in my ear and your ear.Other people are not normal.omNly me and you can hear.when you countinue to say that you hear the voice we cannot come out of this place.so yes you can hear it but don’t say you can hear it.. Pastor there is such an easy way to get out of here… Brother can you hear the sound No I cannot heart it pastor.. Whether sisiter came back.she asked can you hear the cctv camera..no are crazy dear.. I cannot hear any cct cameras.the wife was so amazed how is it that one can change so quickly.He was discharged and now lives in church. People know about him and they contuniously ask brother can you hear the sound…no I cant hear it. We are people who ought to know how to cure such kind of disorder.all of us have a mental disorder.Only the one who discovers and acknowledges that he has a mental disorder can come out of it.but when you think you are normal you cannot come out of it. Vs 38 Jesus enterd into thehouse of the leader of synagogue whoa are weeping and in great pain because the daughter of jairus was dead. Vs 39 In jesus eyes the daughter is alive.but in the eyes of the people the daughter id daed. Imagine the wife picks the picture of the husband and starts crying that her husband is dead.then what should the husband do.He should call the mental hospital because this is not normal. Truly in the eyes of jesus she is not dead but in the eyes of the people she is dead.Mental disorder is that in other people it cannot be seen or heard but in yours its soo clear in sight and sound.this is mental disorder. In the eyes of jeusus there is no sadness but you are unhappy and symptomps of the mental disorder appear complaining. For you to come out of the mental disorder is say that you cannot hear it, yes trurly you can hear it but you should say you cannot hear, that way you will get out of the mental institution. Surely the daughter f jairus is dead.Its trure you re in difficult but you have to say you are happy and thankful.you have to say that the daughter of jairus is alive. In the eyes of God we don’t have seen but when I see I live continuously committing sin.You should sya I am holy because God sees us in that way.In the movie beautiful mind when the friend asks jack whether he can see his imaginaray friend and he says yes, however they can never disappear from my eyaes its foer me to live ignoring them. Everyone difficulties will never depart from you but we should live ignoring what we see, you should say you are hapy.this is the only wat to get away from the mental disorder.unlike people who believe they are ok.oohh its difficult and painful .this is the symptom of having a mental disorder and you get angry and complain and feel like you rae falsly accused. In the eyes of God he can’t see difficulties but I can see it in my eyes.I hear it but if I say I can hear t I can never be free, so I should sy I cant hear.this is the life of denying myself. People who are having a spiritual fight when difficulties come they say they are happy but people who don’t go into fight only see and get into difficulties thinking they are normal.living a life of telling a lie because we are all mentally ill and the only way to get out of it is to tell a lie.Such kind of a person is the most succeful and whaterver he does he will be always happy.

Tuesday 05/09/2017 night service: mind lecture –DR. KIM KI SUNG